Posted by Tony Engelhart on 6th Aug 2022
Bare Essentials

I don’t care if you are wearing a potato sack, you’re going to want a bra.. This is not optional or an afterthought – this is serious business. It not only makes your clothing look better, it gives you confidence.
You need it a form fitting bra. Please don’t guesstimate your size. A size too large will cause you to fall out and a size too small will be terribly uncomfortable. Take the time to be measured, you’l thank me. Depending on your activity, you will want the correct bra for the occasion.
If you are off to the gym, wear a sports bra. These keep everything in place while you run, jog or hang upside down. If you are going to a formal event and wearing a strapless gown, wear a Bandeau or a multi strapless number. Want to feel ultra sexy? Push up bras push your breasts up just enough to create tasteful cleavage. If you have a large bust line you wish to reduce the appearance of, the minimizer bra should be at the top your lingerie drawer as these are actually engineered to create the appearance of a smaller cup size.
The no sag bra is designed for those of you who have experienced gravity. This bra will hold the girls up and at attention. The cami bra is a great option if you like to layer. It has extra fabric at the neckline which acts as a cami which you can wear a sweater or a deep v shirt over. The padded bra is for those of you who are a bit more on the conservative side. These are designed for women with smaller breasts who wish to appear as if they have an ample bosom.
If you wear a sheer blouse and want to make a bolder statement, wear a black longline bra under it. Longline bras have extra fabric which hangs just above the belly and are wonderful for layering.
There are dozens of braziers to choose from, but again, get measured to ensure you are comfortable. Just don’t leave home without one..
Anthony Starr