Accessories 101 by Luci Black

Accessories 101 by Luci Black

Accessories, this is a total essential that we simply haven't talked about in forever. Accessories are must haves for a fashionable outfit. If you read my blogs often you know that I truly feel they can make or break your look. I was browsing our page today, and I found myself on the accerosires page, and let me tell you we have some cute new stuff in stock that I personally cannot wait to get my hands on! Lately I have been on a jewelry high, I literally cannot get enough of it.

As of recently I have found myself extremely drawn to bracelets. I think they're so underrated and need to make a comeback. Often wrist accessories are overlooked but they add the cutests touch. I loved a charm bracelet because not long does it add something cute to your wrist but I love the noise and extraness that it adds to your outfit. Something about the jingle is so satisfactory to me. You can never go wrong with a tennis bracelet either. I mean lets be real, you literally cannot go wrong with some extra sparkle on your wrist. I have also been coming around to a bangle. I love the movement that bangles add to your outfit.

I am so obsessed with earrings, this isn't a new fascination for me but it's one that I don't think is going anywhere. I love the different levels of earrings. You could have something as simple as a stud or as extravagant as a dangle. Some of my personal favorites, definitely my go to, are hoops. Every outfit looks better with a hoop earring and I mean every single outfit. I love the color red, I think it's so classic and adds a much needed romantic feel to your outfit. I found the cutest little heart earrings on our site that are so cute and are just in time for valentines day. Since we’re on the page of classic pieces you can't go wrong with a drop pearl earring. They're so sweet and are extremely versatile. Plus who doesn't love pearls? They are literally iconic.

Some random pieces that I've been into lately are waist chains, they're such a fun way to add dimension to your look and add such a feminine feel. They are perfect for breaking up an outfit as well as adding that extra hourglass look to your figure. If you decided to try it out they are great with bodysuits. I also love the idea of a back necklace. I think it's so smart and again so femine and sexy. They just drape wonderfully and are perfect for a backless or open back look. I also love anklets. They aren't as practical for the cooler weather but are amazing with sandals or heels. The perfect way to add some glam in an often forgotten place. Accessories don't have to be bold; they can be a subtle touch that are sweet enough to add some fun.

3rd Apr 2022 Tony Engelhart

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